Our Mission
Outstanding people have one thing in common: An absolute sense of mission.
The mission and objectives of NICRA INTERNATIONAL are as follows:
1. To propagate the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ worldwide.
2. To promote the revival of apostolic signs, wonders, and miracles.
3. To bring together believers who may feel lost or disconnected in their current church settings.
4. To train believers in the art and science of spiritual warfare, equipping them to be an aggressive and victorious army for the Lord.
5. To train believers to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire, and to cultivate a daily walk and relationship with the Holy Spirit.
6. To bring sorrow to the joy of our enemies through deliverance ministry. Belief in deliverance is a fundamental aspect of NICRA INTERNATIONAL.
7. To build an aggressive end-time army for the Lord. NICRA INTERNATIONAL is an end-time church that challenges sinners to either repent or not return, unlike churches where sinners may feel comfortable and find things easy and convenient.
8. To deliver those who have become enslaved to pastors, prophets, and apostles.
9. To build up Christians who are focused on making it to heaven, prioritizing a heavenly-bound and aggressive mindset.
10. To develop prayer eagles who are fervent and dedicated in their prayer lives.
11. To purify the Pentecostal movement from the impurities and worldly influences of this age.
These mission and objectives reflect the core values and focus of NICRA INTERNATIONAL as a ministry.
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